Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Dragged my ass out of bed at 12:15 to watch the last part of THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS. Ummmm...wouldn't getting Kathy Hilton to be part of your webzine actually be a bad thing? As in "Look how tacky and low class RESTLESS STYLE is!" Can you tell I wasn't thrilled by Mama Hilton's recent appearance on the show?

THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL was fun. I am loving Pam! I hope when Marcus' dad is revealed that he becomes a love interest for Pam. Wouldn't that do a number on Donna? I also enjoyed Phoebe's mature response to the typically almost-incestual stuff going on betwen her mom and her ex-boyfriend. I still don't buy Rick and Taylor as a couple, but I enjoy the fall out of their relationship.

Caught the last minute of ALL MY CHILDREN. Julia dying and crying. Helicoptor. Crap CGI. They'll be lucky if I tun in before Beth Ehlers joins.

ONE LIFE TO LIVE and DAYS OF OUR LIVES battled for my attention and the winner is...OLTL! Marcie is so going to hold onto Tommy and never let him go. As well she should. Todd became even slimier -- paying someone to sneak a baby seat into his wrecked car?? That is low.

Gotta go -- got some personal drama to tend to.

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