Just a quick off-topic post to commemorate Tura Santana, who died on February 4th. Star of FASTER PUSSYCAT KILL! KILL!, she was a true action icon for the ages, funny, smart and, yes, able to fuck your shit up. I recently watched SALT, which I thought was horrible -- what was especially crap was Angelina Jolie's heroine, who is acting in such an opaque manner throughout that everything she does is meaningless and devoid of feeling, even when she's killing the men who murdered her husband. Can you imagine SALT as a lean exploitation film circa 1966 with Tura? She would have brought some heat, humor and no-stunt-person-needed skillz to that shit! Man, today's cinema needs Tura Santana. She will be missed.
Obligatory soap related comment: watching the first season of THE WIRE and am amused to see future ALL MY CHILDREN actor Michael B Jordan as one of the teenage drug dealers. I can't remember Reggie's backstory but it would have been funny if he had been busted for crack before adopted by Jackson!
The young actors of THE WIRE haven't fared so well post-Baltimore. Tristan Wilds, brilliant as Michael in THE WIRE is in 90210 remixed. Why?
Tura, Tura, Tura. I live everyday thinking "What would Tura do?" She is twice the woman I will ever be. At least we still have Pam Grier. The world, let alone film, needs more women who can fuck some shit up.
Barely into season 1 of THE WIRE but I'm sure Tristan's character is way better than his bland boy-next-door on 90210!
I hate that the current state of cinema's action women consists of Angelina Jolie in SALT and Milla Jovovich (sp?) in the RESIDENT EVIL movies. Let's hope the new potential CHARLIES ANGELS TV series (starring a fabulous black actress from GENERAL HOSPITAL -- Annie Ilonzeh!) can even the score a bit!
We have yet to find a cinematic action woman to equal Linda 'Fuck All Kinds of Shit Up' Hamilton in TERMINATOR 2 or Sigourney 'Fucking Up Alien Shit' Weaver in ALIENS (I won't waste my breath on 3 or ALIEN RESURRECTION). Must we rely only on James Cameron to give us women who can 'turn this mother out?'
I actually have a problem with Linda Hamilton in T2 -- she looks tough, acts tough, but doesn't really DO anything to effect change in the film -- that's all down to Arnold and Eddie Furlong! Love Sigourney, even in ALIEN 3 but won't go near RESURRECTION! In recent memory, only GRINDHOUSE presented loads of kick ass action women, both in PLANET TERROR and (especially) the sublime DEATHPROOF.
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