Saturday, October 18, 2008


My boyfriend Darren, formerly known as The Unemployed Boyfriend, has got a job! Say hello to the new Tech Services Coordinator at a major film studio! I am so proud of him and I am soooooo happy that we are both employed full-time in today's wretched economic climate.

To add icing on the cake AT THIS VERY MINUTE Darren is at the Shock Till You Drop film festival in San Francisco, where NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS and HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS will be shown. As well as being, uniquely, feature films spun off from a daytime soap opera, what is also interesting about these films are the HUGE chunks of footage cut out of them. Darren will be doing a presentation of the lost footage from NODS (which he rediscovered) as well as showing his personal print of HODS. So if you're reading this and live in San Francisco, get off your computer and get down to the Castro NOW!!!

I couldn't make it since I don't want to take any time off from my job, which I'm still new at. So, neither of us is unemployed and our soap watching had decreased dramatically -- you should see our DVR, chock-a-block with AS THE WORLD TURNS and NIGHT SHIFT! Is it time to change the name of this blog?!?


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