Sunday, May 17, 2009


Starting next week, I will no longer be watching Soap Net with my breakfast on Saturday morning, but will be reading a good book instead.  This is due to the aggressively mediocre ONE TREE HILL, a show so bland and generic I literally can not stand the sight of it anymore.

One show I will be watching more of is THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.  Friday's twist in the episode's closing moments was so simple, yet brilliant and suggestive, that when The Boyfriend came home I sat him down, rewound the DVR and made him watch it.  I did have to explain it to him afterwards, but there is nothing wrong with a show digging into its history to enrich current storylines.  Bravo to whoever is responsible for digging up that clip of Cane and connecting it to Philip!

Regular readers of this blog will know our travails in trying to keep up with AS THE WORLD TURNS.  We watched the episodes from 4/16 and 17 today from out of the depths of our DVR and holy shit -- is Julie Pinson good or what?!?  For my money, there can not be enough scenes of Janet telling Carly off, nor enough of Jack reminding Carly that she abandoned her children for Simon Fraser.  (The latter is another splendid example of soaps using past history to add layers to present story.)  I wish all of ATWT was as brilliant, but if I see another scene of Paul and Meg together continuing their torturous, sadomasochistic-but-not-in-a-good-way relationship, I'm gonna scream.  Or at least read some more of a good book.


Jennifer said...

May I suggest you read WHAT I LOVED by Siri Hustvedt or THE CUTTING ROOM by Louise Welch, each a very delicious piece of fiction. Or perhaps the short play, STUTTER, by Jennifer Farmer? I hear that one is ace (but that she's a real bitch).

Unemployed Soap Viewer said...

Per your suggestion,I just Googled both books and am very intrigued. I love books with art as a background, which makes WHAT I LOVED appealing to me. Besides your recommendation, I found a GUARDIAN review of THE CUTTING ROOM by Paul Magrs, one of my favorite writers, so if you and him both praise something, it must be good!

As for Jennifer Farmer, I have indeed read her ace play, STUTTER. I heard that Ms. Farmer is only a bitch to those who deserve it...

Jennifer said...

California Supreme Court and Prop 8; do I have to come over there and FUCK SOME SHIT UP?! It ain't like I got nothing better to do...

Unemployed Soap Viewer said...

Jen, please do come over here and personally fuck up the morons who oppose gay marriage. How ridiculous that the state which controls the world's entertainment can not just live and let live.

Jennifer said...

Leben und leben lassen, my friends. Leben und leben lassen.

Unemployed Soap Viewer said...

Amen. sister, amen.