I only saw a bit of DAYS OF OUR LIVES today but was pleased to see Judi Evans back as Adrienne Kiriakis. I loved her recent stint as Maeve on AS THE WORLD TURNS and thought they could have done more with her and Holden.
GENERAL HOSPITAL was excellent today, even as I fear the dark storylines might be driving viewers away, judging by the low ratings. I don't know what has led to the recasting of Michael. Drew Garrett (pictured) is a powerhouse; if for some reason he can't do the show anymore I say throw Michael in jail and don't let him out until Drew can play him again. Aside from that, the scenes where Ethan and Luke talk about Luke's rape of Laura were powerful and well-written. I'm glad GH doesn't just sweep that under the carpet.
Because my DVR is full and I must tape CAPRICA tomorrow, I watched last week's GOSSIP GIRL, which was lukewarm. Who cares about Chuck's mother (even if she is played by MULHOLLAND DRIVE's Laura Harring) or Serena's father? This show should exist in a parentless vacuum. Let's hope the last episode is (was?) better.
Let it be know that the new DOCTOR WHO rocks!!!
I think it is no coincidence that your comment was placed moments after the cracking new episode of DOCTOR WHO featuring Sophie Okenodo as the AMAZING Liz 10! I have been downloading these on the day of airing; no way can I wait 2 weeks for BBC America to show the US the brilliance of Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Steven Moffat!
Oh you know I LOVES me some Sophie Okenodo! She AWAYS raises the stakes in whatever she's in. She even made me forget Audrey Tatou wasn't nobody's Turkish in DIRTY PRETTY THINGS.
I actually answered my phone during the episode and my friend on the other end ranted at me for doing so!
Steven Moffat made me scream like a girl. Or a raging queen, however you want to look at it.
I need to see more Sophie, especially DIRTY PRETTY THINGS since Chiwetel Ejiolofor (sp?) is my choice for the 12th Doctor! Sophie's also good as Doctor Who companion Alison in online, pre-new series animated oddity SCREAM OF THE SHALKA.
Your friend is right to yell at you! You couldn't miss a minute of that episode, it was chock-a-block.
Steven Moffat has given a whole new generation the screaming abdabs!
Chiwetel might be too intense; every episode of DOCTOR WHO would be a RSC masterclass!
With Karen Gillan being stranded in LA due to volcanic ash-gate, you would think you would offer a place to crash. Some fan you are. Adorable Cat would make space in his room...
If Chris Eccleston can play the Doctor, so can the equally intense Chiwetel! Besides, Chiwetel is no stranger to the genre; he is excellent in the movie SERENITY.
The Adorable Cat would love to share a meal of fish fingers and custard with Amy Pond!
It has been almost 3 months since your last post. Take your lips off the Hot Employed Boyfriend and put your fingertips to the keyboard.
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