TV GUIDE's website has broke the news that ONE LIFE TO LIVE's Kyle and Fish (Scott Evans, pictured) are out of the show. This is just appalling; OLTL should not get rid of a story generating, front burner couple with a fanbase, regardless of sexual orientation. I have never appreciated AS THE WORLD TURNS more for Luke, Noah, Doctor Reid and a host of other gay supporting characters.
So ATWT, OLTL and DOOL all air at the same time in Los Angeles. I will be taping ATWT, watching DOOL and ignoring OLTL unless they get their shit together. DOOL is very good right now. I used to be the biggest EJ/Sami supporter until recently, as EJ has gone past the point of no return with his babyknapping activities. Is the only person who can be paired with EJ now the equally dastardly Nicole?
GENERAL HOSPITAL was great today, with special mention having to be made of the way minor characters like Bernie's secretary and Alexis' receptionist are written and performed. They are given just enough twists of personality to make them interesting and fun so there is no filler in the show. Hooray for good writing and acting!
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As USV has always championed the "live and let live" philosophy and the celebration of the spectrum of sexuality, I thought I would pass this on so that we may channel our powers of good towards crushing those determined to cock-block and minge-infringe sex-same love. However, as much as I like to believe, I don't think Alan Dale is responsible for this particular act of pure evil.
Mississippi High School Insists on "Straights-Only" Prom
A Mississippi High School has canceled prom rather than let a lesbian high school student attend the prom with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo to the event. The ACLU filed a lawsuit yesterday against the school.
Constance McMillen, an 18 year-old senior at Itawamba Agricultural High School in Fulton, Mississippi, approached her school's administration because she wanted to attend prom with her girlfriend—also an IAHS student—and knew that same-sex dates had been banned in the past. After meeting with school officials, she was told that she and her girlfriend would not be allowed to attend together.
Constance then contacted the ACLU, and we sent the school a letter demanding that they respect her constitutional right to bring a female student as her prom date and to wear a tux. The school board met over the issue and ultimately decided to cancel the prom altogether.
"All I wanted was the same chance to enjoy my prom night like any other student. But my school would rather hurt all the students than treat everyone fairly," said McMillen. "This isn't just about me and my rights anymore—now, I'm fighting for the right of all the students at my school to have our prom."
The ACLU's lawsuit charges that school officials are violating Constance's First Amendment rights to freedom of expression. "Itawamba school officials are trying to turn Constance into the villain who called the whole thing off, and that just isn't what happened. She's fighting for everyone to be able to enjoy the prom," said Kristy Bennett, Legal Director of the ACLU of Mississippi. "The government—and that includes public schools—can't censor someone's free expression just because some other person might not like it."
Lord knows my prom could have done with some girls in tuxedos dancing to whatever the hell we were listening to in 1992. Please contact the website to pass on messages of support to such a fierce and brave young woman.
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