Sunday, May 31, 2009


In the midst of the luridly entertaining AS THE WORLD TURNS episode of 4/27/09, Luke tries to keep Noah conscious by getting Noah to tell him about what sounds suspiciously like Andy Warhol's EMPIRE, even though Luke refers to the Sears building.  What utter rubbish.  Noah would not bring this home to show Luke; it has been clearly established that Noah is a fan of classic Hollywood movies and that his favorite film is THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES.  If my film major boyfriend was about to pass out and I needed to keep him awake, making him recount the story of William Wyler's enthralling masterpiece is a much healthier choice than reciting twaddle about Warhol.  But what do I expect from a plot in which absolutely no character is using common sense?  Instead of all this running around aimlessly, what is surely needed is an angry Lily with a gun -- shooting her son's kidnappers and FUCKING SOME SHIT UP.


Jennifer said...

Ah, but you are making the mistake in thinking that sense is common...

At least he didn't ask him to retell Last Year at Marienbad; Christ, that would drive me further into unconsciousness...

Unemployed Soap Viewer said...

HAHAHAH! That film sent me screaming out of class the first time I saw it; I could not make it through. I watched LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAD again some years ago and found it to be more playful than I remembered. Still, not exactly what one would use to keep from falling unconscious!