Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I don't have time for a full blog entry tonight (it's a work night and how fun is it to say that with unemployment now a distant memory?) but I just have to congratulate AS THE WORLD TURNS for a wonderful episode.  Not only did Luke and Noah FINALLY have sex, but it was hot as hell!  Plus, Nuke getting back together drove story for Lucinda, Casey, Alleycat and Jade as well.  Kudos to all involved.  And special props to Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann for creating the best couple on daytime, gay or straight.   I don't think I've ever rooted for a duo so much, ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surely you'be been rooting for me and Gary Oldman to FINALLY get it together...

UK is in total bemusement at the announcement of Matt Smith as the new Dr. Who. I'm reserving my judgement as I think the choice could be a refreshing one. Though not as refreshing as Adrian Lester...