First The Adorable Cat (well, he never had a job in the first place), then me, and now The Employed Boyfriend is The Unemployed Boyfriend. So our house is now a hot mess of Unemployed Soap Viewers! The only soap he really watches with me is AS THE WORLD TURNS, but he'll pop in and comment on whatever I'm watching. The Unemployed Boyfriend seemed impressed with the Catalina Island set of THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL and queried why does ATWT look so cheap? I guess he's forgotten that ATWT looks like a Cecil B DeMille production compared to the The Ellen Wheeler Cameraphone (TM) show that is GUIDING LIGHT.
ONE LIFE TO LIVE was -- well, if it was a book I'd say it was unputdownable. When The Unemployed Boyfriend saw Dorian being strangled by Clint he knew I was in for the whole show. Nash's fall throught he skylight was shocking and probably heart attack inducing in those who didn't see it coming. And full marks to titling the episode THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY. Funny and rather wonderful to come across a random Ingmar Bergman reference. I also loved David trying to talk ghetto with Sean.
Sean: Dorian, you're a doctor, right, like a MD?
David : She's not Dr.Dre, yo.
GENERAL HOSPITAL was not as gripping, but still inspired enough to keep me from Ellen Wheeler's Cameraphone on the other channel. The scenes with Spinelli and Maxie were faaaaaaabulous. I liked seeing some lesbians in Port Charles, too, which bodes well for the rumoured gay doctor in the second season of NIGHT SHIFT. The Unemployed Boyfriend is a bit out of touch when it comes to GH; he saw Kate and was all like "Oh she's back?" since he hasn't seen the show since she went to Manhattan. In fact, the last time he did any attentive viewing of GH was during the Text Message Killer story, which had him yelling "TEXT MESSAGE!" at the screen.
I loved the cliffhanger because I had to evaluate what I thought of these three loathsome women -- Lulu, Carly and Claudia all facing off. My gut reaction? Time for Carly to give you a smackdown, Claudia. And how dare you threaten Lulu!
ATWT was DVRed so I could watch other shows. I'm not in a hurry to watch it because I know yesterday's cliffhanger will not be resolved today. I really hope this story gets a proper resolution, and doesn't get forgoten about like the Ji Min murder story of THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.
1 comment:
Your house is not a hot mess, but a HOT GHETTO MESS!
Somebody better get a job or a sugar-daddy. And when I say somebody, I ain't talking about The Adorable Cat...
Perhaps you could work as Alan Dale's clone; surely he can't be in all those places at once.
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