After a long day's work I was too tired to stick to GENERAL HOSPITAL. Spinelli and Stone Cold's interaction is a constant delight, but Lulu whining away in that room with Laura and the Zaccharrahs reaching new lows of Zacharrahing are real turn-offs. So I turned the telly off!
I managed to stay awake for today's DVRed episode of AS THE WORLD TURNS, which was sorta crap but had some jewels hidden in the dirt. Voldemort the puppy was UltraCUTE and Dylan Bruce with his shirt off was just gobsmacking. How on earth does someone as talented and stunning as Dylan Bruce get relegated to recurring? Sometimes I think Jean Passanante and Chris Goutman pass their joint shared brain cell between them, like the witches who pass the eye around in CLASH OF THE TITANS.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
ALL MY CHILDREN and THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL competed for my attention when I woke up, and B&B won because you just can not stop watching when Crazy Pam is on the loose. I am happy to see her terrorize and then have her behavior blamed on her medication ad infinitum, as long as we get to keep Alley Mills around!
AMC was not that interesting from what I saw. Kris Eivers' overacting as Randi's pimp irritated me, so I'm glad to read in SOAP OPERA DIGEST that Taylor is going to kill him! I am also irritated by NuPetey Cortland, a ripoff of Spinelli from GENERAL HOSPITAL (mannerisms, storyline) and Nick from DAYS OF OUR LIVES (he is actually very pretty for a nerd!) The Unemployed Boyfriend seemed somewhat taken with Petey, which I will interpret as a compliment to my geeky self.
AS THE WORLD TURNS continues to annoy with any storyline involving Parker and Liberty. I think it is time to ship them off to boarding school so the wonderful pairing of Jack and Janet can really have room to breathe. And I'm saying this even though I LIKE Mick Hazen and Meredith Hagner! It's just their plots that drain the life from the adult characters on the show. The return of James Stenbeck is shaping up to be great fun, though. Has he REALLY come back just to eat Paul's sandwiches and drink his wine?? The shot of him sneaking in to get the rest of his meal while Paul comforted Meg was very, very funny. More of that and less of Brad flying off the handle, please.
This is the first time I've been able to catch GH since Genie Francis returned and while it's great to see Laura her entire story going to have her stuck in a room listening to Lulu whine? On a more positive note, how appropiate that Spinelli will daydream of Leyla kicking ass ala Emma Peel. If there's anything Spinelli and I have in common, it is the Diana Rigg AVENGERS megaset being in our DVD collections!
DOOL featured Blake Berris looking really, really cute in his white jacket. He is also looking very adorable wearing nothing but red Barack Obama underpants(!) in this week's SOD. I like Blake/Nick so much I am not even going to complain that DOOL is ripping off GOSSIP GIRL with Melanie and her potential romance with him, which is a bit reminiscent of GG's Serena and Dan. XOXO
THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS is REALLY good nowadays. It is so good that it is even gripping in the crappy Standard Def broadcasts of SoapNet, so strong is the writing and characterization. I like the pairing of Cane and Chloe a lot. I sense a growing attraction between them that could lead to a more complex pairing than Cane and Lily ever were. Don't Cane and Chloe have more in common than they realize? Both are working their way up from crappy working class backgrounds to the good life, any way they can get it. Let's remember that Cane was as shady as Chloe when first introduced. And whoever thought up the upcoming revelation that Chloe is Esther's daughter is a GENIUS!! I'm going to give Hogan Sheffer credit for that one until proven otherwise.
AMC was not that interesting from what I saw. Kris Eivers' overacting as Randi's pimp irritated me, so I'm glad to read in SOAP OPERA DIGEST that Taylor is going to kill him! I am also irritated by NuPetey Cortland, a ripoff of Spinelli from GENERAL HOSPITAL (mannerisms, storyline) and Nick from DAYS OF OUR LIVES (he is actually very pretty for a nerd!) The Unemployed Boyfriend seemed somewhat taken with Petey, which I will interpret as a compliment to my geeky self.
AS THE WORLD TURNS continues to annoy with any storyline involving Parker and Liberty. I think it is time to ship them off to boarding school so the wonderful pairing of Jack and Janet can really have room to breathe. And I'm saying this even though I LIKE Mick Hazen and Meredith Hagner! It's just their plots that drain the life from the adult characters on the show. The return of James Stenbeck is shaping up to be great fun, though. Has he REALLY come back just to eat Paul's sandwiches and drink his wine?? The shot of him sneaking in to get the rest of his meal while Paul comforted Meg was very, very funny. More of that and less of Brad flying off the handle, please.
This is the first time I've been able to catch GH since Genie Francis returned and while it's great to see Laura her entire story going to have her stuck in a room listening to Lulu whine? On a more positive note, how appropiate that Spinelli will daydream of Leyla kicking ass ala Emma Peel. If there's anything Spinelli and I have in common, it is the Diana Rigg AVENGERS megaset being in our DVD collections!
DOOL featured Blake Berris looking really, really cute in his white jacket. He is also looking very adorable wearing nothing but red Barack Obama underpants(!) in this week's SOD. I like Blake/Nick so much I am not even going to complain that DOOL is ripping off GOSSIP GIRL with Melanie and her potential romance with him, which is a bit reminiscent of GG's Serena and Dan. XOXO
THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS is REALLY good nowadays. It is so good that it is even gripping in the crappy Standard Def broadcasts of SoapNet, so strong is the writing and characterization. I like the pairing of Cane and Chloe a lot. I sense a growing attraction between them that could lead to a more complex pairing than Cane and Lily ever were. Don't Cane and Chloe have more in common than they realize? Both are working their way up from crappy working class backgrounds to the good life, any way they can get it. Let's remember that Cane was as shady as Chloe when first introduced. And whoever thought up the upcoming revelation that Chloe is Esther's daughter is a GENIUS!! I'm going to give Hogan Sheffer credit for that one until proven otherwise.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I would love to blog about Tuesday's episode of AS THE WORLD TURNS but just when Lucinda and Brian sat down to eat, my local CBS affiliate decided to interrupt the show in order to show me footage of a fire happening nowhere near me! And they reran GUIDING LIGHT that night but no ATWT! And I can't watch that episode online because my computer is a piece of shit! And Van Hansis was looking obscenely hot in the whole 3 minutes I got of him! AAAAAARGHHH!
As for today's episode, I was amused by the last minute return of James Stenbeck on Paul's computer. Will he step through the screen to assume corporeal form?!? I am finding Parker and his ridiculously girly hair very, very annoying, which is a shame because I used to groove on his authentic sullenness. At least this episode had Juicy Janet being so super cool and sexy that Jack had to hang up on Carly in order to get his freak on. Take that Carly!
THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS was awfully good, from what I saw of it. (My itchy channel surfing finger kept switching over to ALL MY CHILDREN during the commercials.) The only thing I like more than Chloe marrying Cane is Sharon's blase, I've-got-better-things-to-think-about reaction! And the only thing I LOVED more than that is Phyllis telling Sharon to stop worrying about her ex-husband who is now Phyllis' husband, thank you very much. Y&R is really juicing up normally boring couples lately. Cane and Lily, Nick and Phyllis: all they needed was some good writing and interaction with other characters to make then watchable again. And hooray for SORASing Noah. That kid actor who played him as a child always irritated me -- he was so artificial and stagy, like the brat who is in the lead role of the school play that you are forced to sit through in order to see your own kid as a talking tree or something.
AMC also appears to be on an upswing. I like Jake, Amanda and Taylor. I like the interplay between Jesse and Angie. I don't know why Randi is still on the show but I am trusting Chuck Pratt to make her interesting or to get rid of her. And I am looking forward to Vincent Irizarry's return as David Hayward, because every soap needs a good villain.
I am not sure who the villain is on THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL. I think it was Pam who poisoned Eric, but I hope that doesn't mean we'll see the last of her. I would like Owen to be more of a rotter; I don't buy him taking the rap for Donna. I would rather see Brandon Beemer work his way through the women of the show than the aging lothario that is Jack Wagner.
As for today's episode, I was amused by the last minute return of James Stenbeck on Paul's computer. Will he step through the screen to assume corporeal form?!? I am finding Parker and his ridiculously girly hair very, very annoying, which is a shame because I used to groove on his authentic sullenness. At least this episode had Juicy Janet being so super cool and sexy that Jack had to hang up on Carly in order to get his freak on. Take that Carly!
THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS was awfully good, from what I saw of it. (My itchy channel surfing finger kept switching over to ALL MY CHILDREN during the commercials.) The only thing I like more than Chloe marrying Cane is Sharon's blase, I've-got-better-things-to-think-about reaction! And the only thing I LOVED more than that is Phyllis telling Sharon to stop worrying about her ex-husband who is now Phyllis' husband, thank you very much. Y&R is really juicing up normally boring couples lately. Cane and Lily, Nick and Phyllis: all they needed was some good writing and interaction with other characters to make then watchable again. And hooray for SORASing Noah. That kid actor who played him as a child always irritated me -- he was so artificial and stagy, like the brat who is in the lead role of the school play that you are forced to sit through in order to see your own kid as a talking tree or something.
AMC also appears to be on an upswing. I like Jake, Amanda and Taylor. I like the interplay between Jesse and Angie. I don't know why Randi is still on the show but I am trusting Chuck Pratt to make her interesting or to get rid of her. And I am looking forward to Vincent Irizarry's return as David Hayward, because every soap needs a good villain.
I am not sure who the villain is on THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL. I think it was Pam who poisoned Eric, but I hope that doesn't mean we'll see the last of her. I would like Owen to be more of a rotter; I don't buy him taking the rap for Donna. I would rather see Brandon Beemer work his way through the women of the show than the aging lothario that is Jack Wagner.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Was naming Sage's stuffed animal Barnabas a sneaky DARK SHADOWS reference on today's AS THE WORLD TURNS? Hmmmm...perhaps. Or I could have DS on the brain after watching The Unemployed Boyfriend futzing around with his print of NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS. He wound up projecting it on the wall, using a projector that I have faint knowledge of (I don't even remember how it got in our house!) It was like an art installation: Adorable Cat, Boyfriend and pink-yet-sharp print of NODS clustered around the dining room table like material in a multimedia piece. (Can you tell I work in an art museum?)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I would have made more of the water fight on AS THE WORLD TURNS; come on, who doesn't want to see Michael Park and Austin Peck in a wet T-shirt contest? Today's episode was sorta dullish, concentrating on 2 plotlines that don't really have anywhere to go. I hope Paul finds out he owes money to his evil dad James, which would kick up that story and I really hope some other love interests for Parker and Liberty are introduced because there is no reason for those two to be together except they're the only high school kids in the show! Janet was fab, as usual, in this episode and sparked things up no end. I hope Jacket continues for a long time -- surely even the most fervent Carjacker must notice the fun Michael Park is having with Julie Pinson?
Friday, August 22, 2008
I was amused to see a SORASed Noah Newman on THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS today and even more amused to see his two hot friends partying around his pool! There have been lots of jokes about Noah being gay floating around the internet and this will just add fuel to the fire!
THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL has managed to lift itself out of the depressing nature of the Eric in a coma (I know, I know, it's serioussssssssss...sorry, gratuitous Smiths reference there!) storyline by adding the soapy twist that he's been poisoned! The episode was very well directed. Love all those closeups of the Forresters demanding Donna be arrested -- very over the top and fun.
AS THE WORLD TURNS had some good stuff in it, but also some bad stuff. I liked Meg baking cookies with Emma to tell Paul she's pregnant, and Kathleen Widdowes was a joy in those scenes. I liked Faith baldly stating to Holden that he slept with Carly. I enjoyed the sight of baby Ethan because nothing affects that kid's giggly smile -- parents divorcing, mom recast, Jean Passanante. However, the bad Dani Andropolous stuff capsized the episode for me. I found Margo's dislike of her to be contrived and Dani's strategy to get back into the police station with Casey's help implausible. Dani seems like a horrid version of what someone on the writing staff thinks is a SEX AND THE CITY-esque fun single girl with a professional career, but she just comes off as a skank. Speaking of skanks, I did like that Emily knows the Mayor because he used to be one of her johns!
ONE LIFE TO LIVE sucked me in with that cute little DavidVickers. (Babies and dogs -- oh crap I'm getting broody! And I'm a guy!!!) Loads of potential in the possibilities they're setting up of Tina vs Todd and Tess. I trust head writer Ron Carlivati to run with it!
I wanted to watch all of GENERAL HOSPITAL today but the double whammy of Zaccharahing and Whiny Lulu drove me to the fast-forward button so I could just enjoy Spinelli and Maxie. The look on Spinelli's face when Maxie figured out that the stakeout was just so he could show Stone Cold that he could do a stakeout without passing out from dehydration was very funny.
My viewing for today finished up with a rewatch of the astonishing DOCTOR WHO episode MIDNIGHT. Mostly taking place on a single set, this story boasts an amazingly tight ensemble that makes you feel like you've just seen a brilliant piece of theatre. Part of this cast is the underrated Lindsay Coulson, who electrified EASTENDERS in the '90s as Carol Jackson, arguably the best acted female part in Albert Square of that period. She is soooo good in MIDNIGHT; Lindsay goes from chatty, congenial tourist to panicked freaking woman to deadly harridan in about 40 minutes, and her final line to the Doctor says volumes. A great performance that might be overlooked in the light of main guest star's Lesley Sharp's really, really scary, showstopping Sky Sylvestry.
THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL has managed to lift itself out of the depressing nature of the Eric in a coma (I know, I know, it's serioussssssssss...sorry, gratuitous Smiths reference there!) storyline by adding the soapy twist that he's been poisoned! The episode was very well directed. Love all those closeups of the Forresters demanding Donna be arrested -- very over the top and fun.
AS THE WORLD TURNS had some good stuff in it, but also some bad stuff. I liked Meg baking cookies with Emma to tell Paul she's pregnant, and Kathleen Widdowes was a joy in those scenes. I liked Faith baldly stating to Holden that he slept with Carly. I enjoyed the sight of baby Ethan because nothing affects that kid's giggly smile -- parents divorcing, mom recast, Jean Passanante. However, the bad Dani Andropolous stuff capsized the episode for me. I found Margo's dislike of her to be contrived and Dani's strategy to get back into the police station with Casey's help implausible. Dani seems like a horrid version of what someone on the writing staff thinks is a SEX AND THE CITY-esque fun single girl with a professional career, but she just comes off as a skank. Speaking of skanks, I did like that Emily knows the Mayor because he used to be one of her johns!
ONE LIFE TO LIVE sucked me in with that cute little DavidVickers. (Babies and dogs -- oh crap I'm getting broody! And I'm a guy!!!) Loads of potential in the possibilities they're setting up of Tina vs Todd and Tess. I trust head writer Ron Carlivati to run with it!
I wanted to watch all of GENERAL HOSPITAL today but the double whammy of Zaccharahing and Whiny Lulu drove me to the fast-forward button so I could just enjoy Spinelli and Maxie. The look on Spinelli's face when Maxie figured out that the stakeout was just so he could show Stone Cold that he could do a stakeout without passing out from dehydration was very funny.
My viewing for today finished up with a rewatch of the astonishing DOCTOR WHO episode MIDNIGHT. Mostly taking place on a single set, this story boasts an amazingly tight ensemble that makes you feel like you've just seen a brilliant piece of theatre. Part of this cast is the underrated Lindsay Coulson, who electrified EASTENDERS in the '90s as Carol Jackson, arguably the best acted female part in Albert Square of that period. She is soooo good in MIDNIGHT; Lindsay goes from chatty, congenial tourist to panicked freaking woman to deadly harridan in about 40 minutes, and her final line to the Doctor says volumes. A great performance that might be overlooked in the light of main guest star's Lesley Sharp's really, really scary, showstopping Sky Sylvestry.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Just got the new SOAP OPERA DIGEST, saw Carolyn Hinsey's moronic comments on AS THE WORLD TURNS, and screamed my head off being glad she got fired! "I didn't even try to watch the ATWT episodes I missed. Wake me when the story of poison bracelets and watches and perfume is over." For one thing, those episodes rocked! They gave our veterans stuff to do, were a great excuse to bring back the deliciously evil Rick Decker and gave us hot views of Billy Magnusson and Dylan Bruce with their shirts off. And for another thing -- if you are writing a column for a soap magazine, watch ALL the damn shows! If you are editor of ANOTHER soap magazine published by the same company, then it's your FRIGGIN' JOB to watch all the shows! Plus, I just know I read in her anti-Emmy rant that Carolyn claimed to be a better judge than the Emmy board because she watched every show, day in, day out. Well, I guess she really didn't. What a lousy, lazy critic. I actually used to really enjoy her columns but I have no respect for her now.
Hey. It's not only my opinion.
Hey. It's not only my opinion.
Daytime Emmys,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
While there was no explicit acknowledgement in the August 18, 2008 episode of AS THE WORLD TURNS that it has been one year (well, sorta -- the exact date was August 17, 2007) since Luke and Noah first kissed, I still felt a wave of anniversary goodness from the show. We got another kiss, suggestive arm rubbing and a feeling that Luke and Noah had to get dressed up to celebrate something special. All of this was just lovely, and it is a pleasure to welcome Laurence Lau to Oakdale. Finally a love interest for Lucinda!
On a less essential note, DAYS OF OUR LIVES' throwaway film noir fantasy week (designed so as not to disrupt the continuing storylines while NBC is showing the Olympics) is damn good for disposable entertainment. Everybody seems to be playing it straight and the cinematography is excellent. What could have been an embarassing homage (am I the only one who remembers Dillon's wince-inducing silent movie fantasy on GENERAL HOSPITAL?) is instead a nostalgic bonbon that pays loving tribute to classic Hollywood.
I am sad to report that NIGHT SHIFT has failed to pass the DVR test. Last week, as I was running out of room on my DVR I had to delete something in order to record ATWT. NS disappeared from the grid, and after seeing a little bit of that episode on SoapNet tonight, I don't think I missed much. Unless you count a scene of an old woman talking to a gay doctor about her vagina. I honestly wish this was must see TV that I would be DVRing like mad, but it just isn't. The episodic plots are just so daft. Take the episode where Gay Doc deduced that a woman suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome was still depressed about her dead husband because she was doing a crossword puzzle from a 2 year old newspaper. If I was Gay Doc, I would have looked at her paper, chirpily remarked "My, you sure stockpile those puzzles!" and gone on my merry way. That kind of thing makes me yearn for Season 1 of NS, where IBS lady would either be murdered by Killer Nurse Jolene or riddled with bullets as a casualty of whatever gang war was hitting the General Hospital NIGHT SHIFT that week! Am I the only one who preferred NS when it was a bit more trashy?
On a less essential note, DAYS OF OUR LIVES' throwaway film noir fantasy week (designed so as not to disrupt the continuing storylines while NBC is showing the Olympics) is damn good for disposable entertainment. Everybody seems to be playing it straight and the cinematography is excellent. What could have been an embarassing homage (am I the only one who remembers Dillon's wince-inducing silent movie fantasy on GENERAL HOSPITAL?) is instead a nostalgic bonbon that pays loving tribute to classic Hollywood.
I am sad to report that NIGHT SHIFT has failed to pass the DVR test. Last week, as I was running out of room on my DVR I had to delete something in order to record ATWT. NS disappeared from the grid, and after seeing a little bit of that episode on SoapNet tonight, I don't think I missed much. Unless you count a scene of an old woman talking to a gay doctor about her vagina. I honestly wish this was must see TV that I would be DVRing like mad, but it just isn't. The episodic plots are just so daft. Take the episode where Gay Doc deduced that a woman suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome was still depressed about her dead husband because she was doing a crossword puzzle from a 2 year old newspaper. If I was Gay Doc, I would have looked at her paper, chirpily remarked "My, you sure stockpile those puzzles!" and gone on my merry way. That kind of thing makes me yearn for Season 1 of NS, where IBS lady would either be murdered by Killer Nurse Jolene or riddled with bullets as a casualty of whatever gang war was hitting the General Hospital NIGHT SHIFT that week! Am I the only one who preferred NS when it was a bit more trashy?
Friday, August 15, 2008
I am thrilled to announce that tomorrow I begin full time employment with full benefits at a local art museum! Appropiately, it is the same museum that Victor and Sabrina went to in THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS in March, IIRC -- think "street lamp installation" if you have a hard time remembering!
Speaking of Y&R, I caught the last half of the show this morning and had "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" stuck in my head all day even though I hate Devon and am confused by his InstaFamily. Does it make any dramatic difference that Ana is Yolanda's daughter and not Tyra's? What concerns me more is the question of whether Jana still works at Sabrina's art museum. Am I now Jana?!?
I was pleased to Beth Ehlers in uniform on ALL MY CHILDREN today and happy at the potential of scenes between her, Jesse and Angie. As Beth is ushered in, I hope AMC continues to cut the dead weight that make me switch channels to THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL. Very glad to read in SOAP OPERA DIGEST that Cassandra and Samuel are gone, baby, gone!
I would love to write all night about today's viewing but I watched loads o'soap today and have got to get to bed soon! So here's a quick rundown:
I like Marcus and Steffy on B&B a lot, so you see? New characters or recasts can be good! Just usually not on AMC! ONE LIFE TO LIVE amuses me with their DONNIE DARKO-esque time travel storyline, while any scene between Ilene Kristen and Brian Kerwin is just pure gold. DAYS OF OUR LIVES had Stefano terrorizing everybody, and it made for some good viewing. Scream Anna DiMera scream! GENERAL HOSPITAL had some good Maxie/Spinelli scenes, but too much Zaccharing and Lulu whining led me back to Springfield, which had some really good Reva/Alan/Lizzie material. Caught up with the last two episodes of GOSSIP GIRL reruns, which were the best I've seen yet -- Jake Silbermann had a nice walk-on and Eric was memorably outed by uber-bitch Georgina. Also caught up with Tuesday's and Wednesday's AS THE WORLD TURNS. Tuesday's was a small masterpiece. I think other shows should look at that episode to see domestic soap at its best. Wednesday's was unintentionally hilarious becasue The Unemployed Boyfriend and I feel so sorry for Neal because Carly keeps giving him the runaround, but we think the actor is AWFUL. This leads to us screeching 'CAAAAAARRLLLLYYYY' at each other for about an hour. Sorry, Michael E. Rodgers, we know you're trying your best as Neal!
You know you love me.
Speaking of Y&R, I caught the last half of the show this morning and had "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" stuck in my head all day even though I hate Devon and am confused by his InstaFamily. Does it make any dramatic difference that Ana is Yolanda's daughter and not Tyra's? What concerns me more is the question of whether Jana still works at Sabrina's art museum. Am I now Jana?!?
I was pleased to Beth Ehlers in uniform on ALL MY CHILDREN today and happy at the potential of scenes between her, Jesse and Angie. As Beth is ushered in, I hope AMC continues to cut the dead weight that make me switch channels to THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL. Very glad to read in SOAP OPERA DIGEST that Cassandra and Samuel are gone, baby, gone!
I would love to write all night about today's viewing but I watched loads o'soap today and have got to get to bed soon! So here's a quick rundown:
I like Marcus and Steffy on B&B a lot, so you see? New characters or recasts can be good! Just usually not on AMC! ONE LIFE TO LIVE amuses me with their DONNIE DARKO-esque time travel storyline, while any scene between Ilene Kristen and Brian Kerwin is just pure gold. DAYS OF OUR LIVES had Stefano terrorizing everybody, and it made for some good viewing. Scream Anna DiMera scream! GENERAL HOSPITAL had some good Maxie/Spinelli scenes, but too much Zaccharing and Lulu whining led me back to Springfield, which had some really good Reva/Alan/Lizzie material. Caught up with the last two episodes of GOSSIP GIRL reruns, which were the best I've seen yet -- Jake Silbermann had a nice walk-on and Eric was memorably outed by uber-bitch Georgina. Also caught up with Tuesday's and Wednesday's AS THE WORLD TURNS. Tuesday's was a small masterpiece. I think other shows should look at that episode to see domestic soap at its best. Wednesday's was unintentionally hilarious becasue The Unemployed Boyfriend and I feel so sorry for Neal because Carly keeps giving him the runaround, but we think the actor is AWFUL. This leads to us screeching 'CAAAAAARRLLLLYYYY' at each other for about an hour. Sorry, Michael E. Rodgers, we know you're trying your best as Neal!
You know you love me.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Well, not really. But in Friday's cracking good episode of AS THE WORLD TURNS Oakdale's famous serial killer Rick Decker made a welcome reappearance in order to solve The Mystery Of The Poisoned Accessories. I think he's a big red herring and the soon-to-return James Stenbeck is the real culprit. When that scene started where Carly dared to knock on Lily's door, I was hoping that Luke would rip Carly a new one. No such luck, but Van Hansis conveyed volumes with just a few lines and a few looks. Speaking of characters with few lines, I was pleased to see Wole Parks' Dallas make an appearance. Now that it looks like Bonnie is finally getting a storyline, can't Dallas get one too? Wole is charismatic and his body is TIGHT!
We started our rewatching of the brilliant 4th series of DOCTOR WHO tonight, since I finally gave in and ordered the uncut UK DVDs after suffering at the hands of Sci-Fi Channel's butchers for the last 13 weeks. The guest casting this series has been really top notch, with several ex-soap stars making an appearance. Episode 1, PARTNERS IN CRIME, has ex-CORONATION STREET star Sarah Lancashire doing a funny takeoff on Supernanny Jo Frost and it's even funnier because she plays it dead serious. Sarah took a similar gambit in CORRIE; Raquel was a typically comedic Rover's Return barmaid, but Sarah never descended to caricature in her portrayal.
Episode 2, THE FIRES OF POMPEII, featured a soap actor less well-known than Sarah but still remembered by me -- Francois Pandolfo, who was briefly in EASTENDERS as Enrico, a foreign exchange student with funny spiked hair and a weak grasp of English. Sonia and Nicki fought over him and he chose Sonia over the DeMarco chick because of her passion for the trumpet. (Yes really!!) Then he went back to Italy and didn't answer Sonia's letters or Valentine Day's card, causing her to get really, really upset and to sleep with Martin Fowler. That one night of foolishness on Sonia's part led to at least seven years worth of story for Sonia and Martin! So Enrico may be a footnote in Albert Square history, but a notable footnote nonetheless. His portrayer Francois has grown up to be rather hunky, with a good pair of legs noticeable beneath his short tunic in POMPEII. (Wole's tight body, Francois' fit legs -- WHAT is on my mind tonight???)
We started our rewatching of the brilliant 4th series of DOCTOR WHO tonight, since I finally gave in and ordered the uncut UK DVDs after suffering at the hands of Sci-Fi Channel's butchers for the last 13 weeks. The guest casting this series has been really top notch, with several ex-soap stars making an appearance. Episode 1, PARTNERS IN CRIME, has ex-CORONATION STREET star Sarah Lancashire doing a funny takeoff on Supernanny Jo Frost and it's even funnier because she plays it dead serious. Sarah took a similar gambit in CORRIE; Raquel was a typically comedic Rover's Return barmaid, but Sarah never descended to caricature in her portrayal.
Episode 2, THE FIRES OF POMPEII, featured a soap actor less well-known than Sarah but still remembered by me -- Francois Pandolfo, who was briefly in EASTENDERS as Enrico, a foreign exchange student with funny spiked hair and a weak grasp of English. Sonia and Nicki fought over him and he chose Sonia over the DeMarco chick because of her passion for the trumpet. (Yes really!!) Then he went back to Italy and didn't answer Sonia's letters or Valentine Day's card, causing her to get really, really upset and to sleep with Martin Fowler. That one night of foolishness on Sonia's part led to at least seven years worth of story for Sonia and Martin! So Enrico may be a footnote in Albert Square history, but a notable footnote nonetheless. His portrayer Francois has grown up to be rather hunky, with a good pair of legs noticeable beneath his short tunic in POMPEII. (Wole's tight body, Francois' fit legs -- WHAT is on my mind tonight???)
Friday, August 8, 2008
As much as I enjoyed my mini-marathon of the latest two episodes of AS THE WORLD TURNS today, I have to admit that Carly needs to be bitch-slapped into oblivion. The writers are doing a good job of keeping Luke involved in the action; I would really like to see a scene where he tears Carly apart for ruining his parents' marriage. Even if he only tears her apart verbally! Van Hansis does bitchy anger very well -- let's see some of that directed against the contemptible Carly!
I woke up this morning to find out that THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS has apparently gotten good again while I wasn't looking. I detect the firm hand of Hogan Sheffer in this. Chloe is being revved up to engage in the kind of gleeful bad girl behavior that is a Hogan Sheffer trademark. Sheffer really saw the potential of Chelsea in DAYS OF OUR LIVES during his tenure there and I still remember how he thrust Katie into ATWT's spotlight way back in 2000. Every soap needs a good bad girl!
If Y&R is improving, THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL is starting to take a nose dive. Today's episode was dreary. Eric's in a coma and his family have to decide whether to pull the plug. Katie is somehow pregnant with Nick's kid even though we never saw them do it. Where's the fun? Where are the campy women and the hot guys? B&B has always been the most glam of the soaps. They should play to that strength instead of trying to get some Serious Drama going. Leave that to domestic soaps like ATWT and DOOL, which excel at family dynamics. The Forrester, Logan and Marone families' dynamics are so twistedly near incestual, any attempt to base a story in B&B around family integrity is ludicrous.
Speaking of ludicrous, I am glad to see that ONE LIFE TO LIVE has gotten Andrea Evans out of Mendorra. Seeing her involved in fake country shenanigans, I started to see Andrea slip into PASSIONS mode, which involves a lot of fake, crummy acting. PASSIONS ended today, BTW. RIP PASSIONS. I liked that show enough at one point to name The Adorable Cat after its most inspired character, Timmy!
DOOL was also inspired today. I LOVED the vintage clips of Bo and Hope getting married!!! I think Kristian Alfonso has improved with age, like a fine wine. Peter Reckell always looks the same to me; only the length and landscape of his hair changes. And even though Belle and Shawn are not currently a part of the show, kudos to DOOL's writers for having a letter from them read during the wedding ceremony.
I saw some of ALL MY CHILDREN as well, but it was soooo bad I have trouble remembering it. I vaguely remember Randi and Frankie annoying me, and Annie annoying me. The show has hit an absolute nadir of late, as if to show us how rubbish it can be before Chuck Pratt (hopefully) works New Head Writer Magic on it. I don't wish unemployment on anyone (it really, really sucks) but I don't see how AMC can be fixed unless MAJOR axing occurs. Randi, Petey, Frankie, Dre, Annie, NuColby, Samuel, Babe -- these characters have all reached dead ends. Maybe Janet From Another Planet can go on a killing spree and do Pine Valley a favor? Then with the cast payroll that's been freed up, they can bring Cady McClain back as Dixie!
I woke up this morning to find out that THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS has apparently gotten good again while I wasn't looking. I detect the firm hand of Hogan Sheffer in this. Chloe is being revved up to engage in the kind of gleeful bad girl behavior that is a Hogan Sheffer trademark. Sheffer really saw the potential of Chelsea in DAYS OF OUR LIVES during his tenure there and I still remember how he thrust Katie into ATWT's spotlight way back in 2000. Every soap needs a good bad girl!
If Y&R is improving, THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL is starting to take a nose dive. Today's episode was dreary. Eric's in a coma and his family have to decide whether to pull the plug. Katie is somehow pregnant with Nick's kid even though we never saw them do it. Where's the fun? Where are the campy women and the hot guys? B&B has always been the most glam of the soaps. They should play to that strength instead of trying to get some Serious Drama going. Leave that to domestic soaps like ATWT and DOOL, which excel at family dynamics. The Forrester, Logan and Marone families' dynamics are so twistedly near incestual, any attempt to base a story in B&B around family integrity is ludicrous.
Speaking of ludicrous, I am glad to see that ONE LIFE TO LIVE has gotten Andrea Evans out of Mendorra. Seeing her involved in fake country shenanigans, I started to see Andrea slip into PASSIONS mode, which involves a lot of fake, crummy acting. PASSIONS ended today, BTW. RIP PASSIONS. I liked that show enough at one point to name The Adorable Cat after its most inspired character, Timmy!
DOOL was also inspired today. I LOVED the vintage clips of Bo and Hope getting married!!! I think Kristian Alfonso has improved with age, like a fine wine. Peter Reckell always looks the same to me; only the length and landscape of his hair changes. And even though Belle and Shawn are not currently a part of the show, kudos to DOOL's writers for having a letter from them read during the wedding ceremony.
I saw some of ALL MY CHILDREN as well, but it was soooo bad I have trouble remembering it. I vaguely remember Randi and Frankie annoying me, and Annie annoying me. The show has hit an absolute nadir of late, as if to show us how rubbish it can be before Chuck Pratt (hopefully) works New Head Writer Magic on it. I don't wish unemployment on anyone (it really, really sucks) but I don't see how AMC can be fixed unless MAJOR axing occurs. Randi, Petey, Frankie, Dre, Annie, NuColby, Samuel, Babe -- these characters have all reached dead ends. Maybe Janet From Another Planet can go on a killing spree and do Pine Valley a favor? Then with the cast payroll that's been freed up, they can bring Cady McClain back as Dixie!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Walking back to our car after a disappointing dinner at El Coyote, The Unemployed Boyfriend and I were startled to see Zach Roerig in his car, on his phone, waiting for the light to change! We unashamedly gawked and screamed ZACH ROERIG! at each other (TBH, I was flying from just one margarita.) He is still gorgeous! I have to wonder -- what is the ex-Casey Hughes from AS THE WORLD TURNS doing in Los Angeles? His last soap role was on ONE LIFE TO LIVE, which is an East Coast soap like ATWT. Can we possibly have Zach returning to daytime on an West Coast soap? Did he try out to play Billy Abbott on THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS and not get it? I think his natural role would be as a pot-smoking buddy of Spinelli on GENERAL HOSPITAL but that is just pure fanwank on my part.
Monday, August 4, 2008

Actually, I hate coffee but I love tea and was able to drink it in my AS THE WORLD TURNS mug as we sat down to catch up on last week's episodes tonight. Just finished Wednesday's, and I am in awe of the awesomeness that is Julie Pinson as Juicy Janet. Michael Park continues to become my secret new fantasy boyfriend through sheer coolness and Noelle Beck as the new, bitchier Lily has really won me over. I'd write more -- about the fun of the poisoned accessories plot, the greatness of Emma vs. Janet and the almost unbelievably exciting return of both James Stenbeck and DUSTY!!! -- but I've got some Nuke episodes to watch!
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