Thursday, February 12, 2009


With the news that Rachel Melvin is leaving DAYS OF  OUR LIVES, I now have even more reason to spend my 1-2PM hour watching ONE LIFE TO LIVE instead.  With Chelsea gone, what young girl on the show are we supposed to root for?  GOSSIP GIRL wannabe Melanie?  Good grief.

On GENERAL HOSPITAL today, I found Olivia throwing away the DVD incriminating Claudia to be very contrived.  There was no point to Olivia doing that; the only reason it happened was to prolong Claudia Zacchara's life beyond the point of common sense.  Seriously, there is no reason for any of the Zaccharas to still be alive, considering how they have wronged everyone in Port Charles who has access to a gun.  GH should cut its losses and get rid of this daft family once and for all!  Preferably in a blaze of gunfire.

On the Internet front, I have greatly enjoyed watching the 2007 reality show INTURN 2 on  In it, aspiring actors vie to win a 13 week contract on AS THE WORLD TURNS.  Year 2 of the show is gobsmackingly great for 97% of it's run.  Never have I seen such a group of people in a reality show that were just so much fun to watch, from evil hell bitch Natalie, to cute but dim Adam, to the genuinely talented Lauretta Vaughn.  The only bad thing about the whole show was the final segment, which is anti-climatic and a bit dull.  Plus, the person who won turned out to be terrible on ATWT and was killed off!

I finished reading the third GOSSIP GIRL novel, ALL I WANT IS EVERYTHING, and the books are proving to be just as addictive as the TV show, only with an extra layer of wit and satire that inches the books ahead of the show a smidge.  And once you read about the character of Adam on the page, you realize that the show's miscasting and rewriting of this pivotal player is one of TV GG's biggest fumbles.

But no matter how flawed GG might get, it is always 300 million times better than the main GG rip-off, the horrifying new series of 90210.  I was forcibly reminded of this as a street near my destination tonight was blocked off to turn a corner restaurant into the frakkin' Peach Pit!  90210?  More like 90036!



Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with this particular entry, but the new DOCTOR WHO, Matt Smith, is in a new show on BBC called MOSES JONES. It's about a Black detective, Moses Jones (See what they did? They warned us that we would be dealing with Black character by giving him a Black name. AND made that name the title of the show. Very clever...) Show's not bad, mostly because it has some of the best Black British actors alive. (I vote Wunmi Mosaku as the new DOCTOR WHO, nevermind his assistant! She can rock a pair of hotpants and kimono like no other!)

Smith is okay playing the younger, White sidekick. BBC iPlayer has the first two episodes, but don't know if you can access it in the US.

Unemployed Soap Viewer said...

Well, the casting director for MOSES JONES, Andy Pryor , is also the casting director for DOCTOR WHO so you might see Wunmi in that show someday!

BBC iPlayer is blocked for us, and thus the cause of much gnashing of teeth.