Thursday, May 22, 2008


One of the side benefits of being unemployed is getting drunk on a weekday night! I had a margarita before AS THE WORLD TURNS today and some chardonnay afterwards! (Yes, I am a lightweight!)

Luke and Noah's scenes today were intensely dramatic, capped off with KISS #5! This was more of a we-will-get-through-it-kiss than yesterday's sweet-and-sexy kiss. It was fantastic to see! And how great is it that we can compare Nuke kisses from subsequent days??? I think this is Step One in making a gay kiss something run of the mill and just as natural as a straight couple kissing, and I applaud Chris Goutman/Jean Passanante/whomever for making this happen!

What is also smashing is how good the rest of the show was! Billy Magnusson is a real find as Casey. The camera loves his body and so does The Employed Boyfriend, who would leave me for Billy in a second. But then he would see my blog and come crawling back, so I would win in the end. BWA HA HA. Can you believe Billy's reading of the line "And it isn't HARD ON ME??"
I love crazy Sophie! I think ATWT has finally figured out what to do with this character; she's not an ingenue for all the hot guys to fall in love with, she's a nut!!!
I love Colleen Zenk Pinter! She is so gorgeous I say find some way to reform Colonel Mayer and make him Bab's love interest. C'mon, blame his psychosis on a brain tumour -- it worked for Jana on THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS and Jonathan on ALL MY CHILDREN!

Ok sobering up now. Looking forward to tomorrow's episode and the School Dance From Hell.

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